#1 Reason to Use Solid Waste Management Software

To understand the solid waste management software, one must understand what solid waste management is and the associated problems. The global problem of solid waste generation and management is quite serious with many companies realising the importance of the process – economically and environmentally.

But humans have a tendency to steer clear of the things that they do not understand quite yet. As a result, the companies are also staying away from the waste landfill software due to several misconceptions.

What Does the World Bank Have to Say?

In 2018, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, a lending arm of The World Bank, published a report titled What a Waste 2.0. After studying a number of reports and research, the conclusion states that 0.74 kilograms of waste is generated per capita globally.

Without waste landfill software application, every single human being in the world is producing 0.74 kilograms of waste daily! That is quite a huge number. The World Bank estimates that municipal waste generation will increase to 3.4 billion tonnes by 2050. It also states that the majority fraction of the solid waste is made up of recyclables, whose level increases with the increase in the income level of the country. You can access the whole report here.
